EAS toetab BHC AS digidiagnostika läbiviimist.
Digidiagnostika eesmärgiks on kasvatada ettevõtte digitaliseerimis- ja automatiseerimisalast teadlikkust, leida arendus- ning parenduskohti ja koostada nende elluviimiseks tegevusplaani.
Projekt EU60254 “BHC
Enterprise Estonia supports the performance of digital diagnostics of BHC AS.
The goal of digital diagnostics is to grow a business awareness of digitization and automation,
find places for development and improvement and draw up an action plan for their implementation.
Project EU60254 “BHC digital diagnostics”. The purpose of digital diagnostics was to provide an assessment automation of the company’s main supply chain processes and digitization and recommending opportunities for improvement.

Perioodil 17.02.2014 kuni 30.09.2014 viidi Euroopa Sotsiaalfondi kaasrahastamisel läbi projekt „VSM (Visual State Mapping), ettevõtte olemasolevate äriprotsesside kaardistamine. Töövoo korraldamine” Aktsiaseltsis BHC. Projekt sai tuge EASi Teadmiste ja oskuste arendamise toetamise meetmest.
From 17.02.2014 to 30.09.2014, the project “VSM (Visual State Mapping), a mapping of the company’s existing business processes, was co-financed by the European Social Fund. Workflow Management ”at BHC. The project was supported by Enterprise Estonia’s Knowledge and Skills Development Support Measure.

Perioodil 23.01.2017 kuni 22.07.2018 toetatakse Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi kaasrahastamisel projekti “BHC OMATOODE MFP” 257 035 euroga. Projekt saab toetust EASi “Ettevõtte arenguprogrammi toetusmeede” raames. Projekti eesmärkideks on: 1) Tehnoloogiliste eelduste loomine uute toodete pakkumiseks ja uute turgude teenindamiseks. 2) Uute omatoodete ja nendega seonduva MMO kaubamärgi arendamine. 3) Töökorralduse efektiivsuse tõstmine. 4) Inimeste kvalifikatsiooni kasvatamine. 5) Turunduse ja müügialase võimekuse kasvatamine uute eksporditurgude avamiseks.
For the period 23.01.2017 to 22.07.2018, the European Regional Development Fund will be co-financed by BHC OMATOODE MFP with EUR 257 035. The project is supported by Enterprise Estonia “Enterprise Development Program Support Measure”. The aims of the project are: 1) Creating technological prerequisites for offering new products and serving new markets. 2) Development of new own products and related MMO brand. 3) Increasing the efficiency of work organization. 4) Raising people’s qualifications. 5) Increase marketing and sales capacity to open up new export markets.

For the period from 21.01.2019 to 20.07.2020, a maximum of EUR 160 065,00 will be supported by co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund for the “Development part 2” project (Reg. No EU53002). The project is supported by Enterprise Estonia “Enterprise Development Program Support Measure”. The aims of the project are: 1) Creating technological prerequisites for offering new products and serving new markets. 2) Developing new in-house products (MFPs). 3) Increasing the efficiency of work organization. 4) Increase marketing capacity to bring new products to market.